Monday, July 19, 2010

Family. Etc.

It's days like these when I'm reminded that I consider my friends to be my family, and my mother, father, and brother to be my mandatory housing mates.
...when I'd rather go to Church by myself than have to ride in a car with my mother and sit all suffocated by my family in a pew. I can't concentrate on Church when my family is around.
...when my family's presence stresses me out to the point of tears. But I have to push the tears away- hide them- or else I'll be bombarded and attacked with stupid questions about whether I'm okay. Yes, I'm fine, just leave me alone. I'll be fine if you leave me alone.
...when I arrive at my internship, not wanting to be around people, yet find myself being melted quickly by the warmth of my co-workers.
...when all negative thoughts exit my mind, and are replaced with the laughter, jokes, and grinning which only my co-workers can instigate. And I mean "instigate" in the best sense of the word.
...when I stop considering my co-workers as "co-workers". When I begin to refer to them as my family.

I must step out of my mind and into my heart. Thank you, God, for blessing me with such amazing people to spend hours upon hours with. I could not have asked for a better group to consider a family.

Though, I must jump back to my mind and my secular aspects of life. Here are some of today's highlights:
1. A 5 year old was sitting on my lap, and I told her she should introduce herself to my friend, Alec, who was sitting next to me. She promptly turned her head away from him and said, "NO!"
2. My "boss" and I bonded over both having obnoxious laughs (and both having been in situations where people identified that we were in an audience because of our laughs).
3. I started laughing for no good reason in the middle of silence during dinner (everyone was starving, thus constant eating, thus minimal talking at first). Alaine* said, "Well, that's a good example of someone laughing when they feel awkward." John* asked me, "Did you feel awkward?" I said, "No! I didn't feel awkward. I just thought the silence was hilarious." John then followed with, "Do you want me to make you feel awkward?" Alaine said, "That would be illegal, John."
4. John told us about how he found this "Organic Batter Blaster" funny as shit:
... which, inevitably, lead to a whole slew of extremely inappropriate and sexual jokes. Yes, 30-something year-old men are just as prone to dirty jokes as 18-year-old guys. (If you're a boy reading this, can you guess what the jokes were about??)
5. I laughed so freaking hard during dinner that I ended up bruising my ribs against the belt I was wearing around my dress. ("Bruising" meaning my ribs were sore for 3 hours after our massive fit of laughter. Awesome.)

*names changed

Well, it's all in a day's work, right?
Toodles, loves :)


  1. Yes I can guess. I hope that I was the eighteen-year-old being referenced.

  2. Actually, yes you were one of the eighteen-year-olds I had in mind.
