Tuesday, September 14, 2010


"Good morning, starshine!"
screams my puffy eyes underlined with circles and dark bags.
"Time to face the day!"
drones from my reflection, oddly resembling Sleepy the dwarf
but without facial hair
and with more feminine features.

Boil (the water)
Eat (the bagel with strawberry cream cheese)
Drink (the English breakfast tea)

no going back to BED for me
no going anywhere but school for me

with my uterus


Pop the pill to quell the pain to focus my mind on school work.

Wo...whoops! focus = gone b/c energy = used up

Put " f(x) = I(feel)^2 + icky(blicky) " into standard form
" f(x) = (pill + failed)^2 - damnuterus "

Next hour and a half, a war was fought
against the backdrop of sickbeds, heating pads, blankets, herbal tea, and tissues.

And an extra dose of Ibuprofen.

Of course.

"I am woman. Hear me roar"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [at my "gift"]"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [out of monthly agony]"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [because of my damn two X chromosomes]"

I came [to the nurse's clinic].
I saw [the room from the balled-up position of a fetus].
I conquered [the art of going home].



  1. I got to admit, this is a little TMI. Like really, more like way TMI. It's TMITMITMITMITMITMITMI.

  2. I'm channeling the writer of The Vagina Monologues and Menopause: The Musical.
    If you were female, you would appreciate this post.

  3. hahaha zak. it's really not that bad.

    and yes i am so loving this!! excellent.

  4. i didn't know what this was about for a few seconds. and then i started to scream.

  5. This is really incredibly accurate. Haha I love it.
