Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fudge without the Chocolate Implication

I learned a new word today.

And... well... fuck, mate, I didn't really learn it today. I just... I learned it's fucking value!

It's fucking crazy how one baisante professeur is able to expand the fucking vocabulary of her students in their native fucking language, yet not  in the language she's supposed to be fucking teaching us.

But I guess it's something to thank her for?

I can't fucking thank her for saying my "lack of confidence in the language is sickening," after all. That'd be fucking stupid of me.

Nor can I thank her for making me cry, fucking bawl my eyes out, TWO TIMES this year. In class. Then telling me I'm a fucking bat-shit crazy loon.

I can't thank her for dismissing our questions about grammar in class, for fucking telling us that what we learn "really isn't that hard." Because guess what? It fucking is. Because we don't fucking know the language.

No, I cannot thank her for much more than forcing me to incorporate a new word into my English vocabulary and for doing a fucking creepy Shirley Temple imitation during class instead of fucking teaching us.

I learned a new word today. Can you guess what it is?
