Sunday, February 27, 2011

Blogging: Selfish and Futile

The futility and selfishness of blogging recently dawned on me.

Nothing I put in a blog will better or further anyone's life. It is a virtual soapbox where I can pretend that I'm eloquent and pretend that I have something important to say.

But in all actuality, I really don't have anything important to say.

And I'm not that eloquent.

No one really cares what an 18 year old's thoughts are. No one really cares about an 18 year old's life. Unless you're on reality TV... which is stupid.

People only care about stupid things.

Like... do people read my blog? WHO CARES! It's unimportant, trivial.

So many of the things people care about most are trivial.

And the only time you need trivia is when you play Trivial Pursuit or if you're making small talk and are trying to sound witty/intelligent/random/suave/etc...

Why do people care? Really?

So... I'm going on an indefinite hiatus from blogging until I can find some meaningful, humble reason to blog.



  1. aww...

    but your fans want more!!!

  2. I like blogging cos it's like a diary. I get to sort out my feelings by writing. But the difference with a diary and a blog is that by knowing what not to write/ what you wouldn't want others to know, you'd know what's really personal, what's wrong that it is shameful for others to see. And having other people console you sometimes, even strangers, feels kins of good.

    I also like reading other people's blogs not because they're someone popular but because I can relate to them. It's nice to know that someone experiences what you do even if it's not within your local area.

    I'm probably as unclear as I usually am. But yeah, hope you get the point. :)

  3. Nooooo Ellen! NOOOO!

    Your blog is entertaining and easy to relate to. I like hearing your that creepy? maybe.

  4. Blogging is a form of art, dear. It's writing. And all art furthers lives because we need it to feel like we're a part of something. Your thoughts, musings, and seemingly unimportant blogs are important to people. It isn't selfish. Nor is it futile. It is merely a chance for you to find some form of catharsis and for your readers to find it vicariously through your works. Don't stop something you like doing for fear of seeming selfish or pointless.
    You're doing something great, in a small way. I enjoy them, and I hope to keep reading your eloquent and insightful writing.

    <3 Bailey
