Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Let's do the Time Warp again!"

I remember the first time I experienced this magnificent cinematic creation. In all honesty, confusion filled my mind for the first ten minutes. Then, as if I had undergone a surreal revelation, the film began to glimmer in crystal clarity, and I got lost in its Sea of Wonder.

I do not remember ever before laughing so wholeheartedly at a musical/comedy/spoof movie. The complete insanity of the film, plus the absolute genius which was necessary to create such an artistic piece of motion photography, stole a little portion of my heart.

From "Damn it, Janet" to "The Time Warp" to "Touch-A Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me", the songs (and actors and costumes and everything else!) had me in side-splitting laughter.

You can ask my friends Elyse, Tori, and Haley.
They were there.
I laughed the hardest out of the four of us.

Next thing on my to-do list: Watch the interactive version of this cult classic!

In conclusion, I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Tune in to FOX on Tuesday October 26 at 7:00pm to watch the Rocky Horror Glee episode!


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