Monday, September 27, 2010

Busy busy

I have made a serious, serious promise to myself.

I will not log on to Facebook until November 8 unless there is an emergency, or something that immediately needs attending to.

Maybe check once on Saturday and once on Sunday, too.

But other than that, no Facebook until the play closes. No Facebook until strike is over.

Honestly, this should be a good thing, regardless of how difficult it will be at first (why does social networking effect people like a drug?), considering I have numerous projects and papers to work on, on top of memorizing lines.

Just thought I'd share.
Any thoughts/comments about Facebook and the like?


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


"Good morning, starshine!"
screams my puffy eyes underlined with circles and dark bags.
"Time to face the day!"
drones from my reflection, oddly resembling Sleepy the dwarf
but without facial hair
and with more feminine features.

Boil (the water)
Eat (the bagel with strawberry cream cheese)
Drink (the English breakfast tea)

no going back to BED for me
no going anywhere but school for me

with my uterus


Pop the pill to quell the pain to focus my mind on school work.

Wo...whoops! focus = gone b/c energy = used up

Put " f(x) = I(feel)^2 + icky(blicky) " into standard form
" f(x) = (pill + failed)^2 - damnuterus "

Next hour and a half, a war was fought
against the backdrop of sickbeds, heating pads, blankets, herbal tea, and tissues.

And an extra dose of Ibuprofen.

Of course.

"I am woman. Hear me roar"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [at my "gift"]"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [out of monthly agony]"
"I am woman. Hear me roar [because of my damn two X chromosomes]"

I came [to the nurse's clinic].
I saw [the room from the balled-up position of a fetus].
I conquered [the art of going home].


Friday, September 10, 2010

I feel >.< !!!

Two weeks in, and I'm already apathetic towards high school social events.

Friday night football? Eh... I'm tired, and don't feel like putting the effort into going.

Homecoming? Eh... there's no one who I hope to get asked by. The novelty of mums is beginning to fade. I guess I could drag one of my now-college friends to a high school dance?

Two weeks in, only two weeks in, and I'm already feeling the absence of all the guys I hung out with last year. I'm already feeling trapped in a catty cage instead of a sisterhood of learning. I'm already wanting to rewind a year, or fast forward a year, just to avoid the present awkward in-between.

Being at the top, being the oldest at school, sucks. At least, it sucks if the people with whom you relate most happen to be older than you. Because they're not there any more. They're scattered everywhere but where you want them to be. Even if they are only 40 minutes away, you never see them, never talk to them. The dynamics change, things shift around, and sometimes life just gets lonely.

(every "you" above probably only refers to me)

exasperatedly yours,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bet ya weren't expecting THIS!

Dear Zachary,

Two weeks ago, you asked me to write on my edging-on-estranged blog. Two weeks ago, I promised I would do so within the next day or two.

Um... I didn't.


Unless we're talking in "God days," in which case the interpretation of "day" is loose. Very loose.
But I'm not a loose woman, and I'm definitely not God, so I must admit that I failed in my promise to you. For that, I am sorry. To every misfortune, though, there is a silver lining. Congratulations, Zak! Your silver lining is this: A blog entry whose subject is you! OH GOODY!

For you minuscule handful who read my blog (somewhere between 1 and 5 readers, total), my dear friend Zak happens to be one of the most brilliant, witty, caring, spiritual, adorable people I've ever met in my life. If you were to combine a mathematician, a stand-up comedian, a dad, a deacon, and a teddy bear, you would end up with Zak. And I mean that in the most sincere, kindhearted way possible. In fact, if I were to create a list titled "People Who Have Changed My Life and Without Whom I Would Be a Sad Person," Zak would be on there without a doubt. Honestly, he naturally emanates goodness and happy feelings. I'm a big fan. Maybe I should make t-shirts... and sweatpants... andcoffeemugsfridgemagnetspencilssweatshirtscheershortsbookmarksbumperstickers! (Overkill? Pshhh no...)

Now, you're probably thinking, "Dude, are you in love with this guy? You are SUCH a creeper for writing a whole blog about him."
Well... I'm not in love with him (at this point in time). Nor am I a creeper (at any point in time). Thankyouverymuch. On the contrary, I am rather averagely fond of Zak. I prefer to save the "in love with Zak" label for our friend Arnold. HAHA. I kid, I kid. (Inside joke with friends... do y'all get it? Oui?).

Back to the point:
I'm writing this as a celebration of friendship. A year ahead of me in school, Zak inspires me in many ways to grow as a person. His passion for and skill in the French language puts me in awe. I hope one day I'll be fluent, and I know that I'll have his encouragement to thank. His insistence that I write on my blog and his interest in my writing really encourage me to hone my writing skills. When I need advice about religion and faith, he is always a great person to talk to. He excels at so much-- from MC-ing high school one acts, to publishing math books, to trying to be French (teehee). I could go on, but I a) don't want to embarrass Zak too much, and b) have homework to do.

Alas, I have one parting message:
Thank you, Zak, for being such a beautiful friend. I miss you terribly and can't wait to see you again! Keep your head on at college, as I know you are/will :)

Oh, and a guiltless plug: You should go read Zak's blog!

Je t'aime,