Saturday, October 22, 2011


my stomach aches, and my vision
blurs until i have to focus on what
i'm looking at in order make out
definite letters and shapes. my
body needs food, my body is so
but i can't get up. i don't have the
energy to leave my room and go
get something to fill me. i've put
off eating this long- all i've eaten
today is a latte, yogurt, and two
Pop Tarts- so is it even worth it to
muster up energy i don't have just
to prowl alone, like an animal lost
from its pack, to find a little bit of

it is late and my stomach's pain
blurs with the writhing of my
heart within my brittle form. why
should i appease my tangible
body when my heart cannot be
appeased? why should i taunt
myself like that? if i could, i would
feed my heartache. and if could, i
would make the aching inside of
me, the ever present aching within
me, go away forever because this
aching is more overpowering
than any physical hungry i have
ever felt. there is no remedy for
when your heart is hungry, for 
when your shelves are bare,
dust accumulating from waiting
for love to fill up its empty space.

so i'll close the pantry shelf and
sit in my room listening to songs
of passion and lost paths, suppressing
my bodily hunger until i wake
tomorrow morning, hoping i'll feel
just a bit more... together.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My heart is blonde and brands a sparkly guitar.

If I had to pick an artist whose songs consistently resonate with me, I would pick Taylor Swift. Go ahead and ridicule my taste in music, you pop-country haters. I laugh in the face of ridicule. [Muahaha.] Her words so eerily parallel with my life, it's almost like we have an ESP connection. Like we're the same person. With the exception of her being ten times more gorgeous than I am, and with the exception of her actually having a dating history, I listen to her music, and hear myself.

I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale.
I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,
Lead her up the stairwell.

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you,
Been here all along, so why can't you see
You belong with me.

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar,
the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star.
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do.

It goes on and on... and I love it. Her music is real and relatable. I can cry to it, or it can lift me up.

Thank you, Taylor, for putting into words what I can't always articulate well.

Monday, October 17, 2011

To the Boy Who Sat Next to Me,

To the boy who sat next to me today as I waited for my flu shot,

I never asked your name, you never asked mine. I didn't catch your name when the pharmacy assistant called it, and I don't know if you happened to catch mine when she did the same with me. When I think of you, there's no name associated with your face, but I do know that you have big brown eyes and shaggy, dark brown hair.

I also know that you're a sophomore in Pitt's business school and belong to AEπ. You hail from the state of Virginia, but also have some family who live north of Dallas; our little bonding moment over Dallas was fun. We're both flying to Dallas for Thanksgiving on the same day, and you said, "Maybe we're on the same flight!" You recommended that I book the supershuttle instead of taking the 28x; I thanked you for that advice.
You waited almost half an hour for your flu shot.
You are a swell enough person to carry on a conversation with a complete stranger.

Maybe I'll see you around campus. Maybe I'll see you at the airport in November. Maybe I'll never see you again. No matter whether or not I see you again, I'm glad we crossed paths.

Thank you, boy who sat next to me. You made my day just that much brighter.

Friday, October 14, 2011


i am not a writer

my thoughts are all in
and i like to pretend
(that writing will untie my stomach)

i am a fake
because i lie to myself
about myself

i am not a singer

i am not an actor

i am not an artist

i am not anything because

i do not know who i am

[i hate when i refer so much to myself it is self-centered arrogant ugly]

i am not a writer