So... I signed up for a two-week "Adult Intensive" French class. In a class of 8 people, with all but one other person over the age of 30, I know the most French.
Let me re-phrase:
I'm the only one who can actually carry on a basically coherent conversation.
I knew it would be easy at the beginning, but after two days we've only talked about basic pronouns, the alphabet, numbers, and the days of the week, plus the present of etre and avoir. People all around me stumble through simple, simple things with thick American accents. Some don't seem to even understand how to follow a worksheet nor how to understand the teacher when he explains stuff in English. HELLO! Worksheets have the same layout in English and French and Spanish and every other freaking language! Just because the questions and answers are in French, does not mean the layout of the assignment is drastically different from a multiple-choice worksheet in, say, US History or Biology! PLEASE, PEOPLE! Use yo' noggins!
I'm torn. I really like being in a French class, since it's keeping me in touch with the language over the summer. I just worry it's not doing me any good. I was hoping for a French class to strengthen my skills and boost my speaking confidence, yet I feel like I'm going to forget all the complicated stuff I learned since this is such a basic, basic class.
At least mon prof is funny. He keeps me engaged in this massive review session.
My question for you who are reading this: Should I keep in the class, or should I drop it? (The guy in charge said they'd refund the money if I found the class too simple.)
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