To the boy who sat next to me today as I waited for my flu shot,
I never asked your name, you never asked mine. I didn't catch your name when the pharmacy assistant called it, and I don't know if you happened to catch mine when she did the same with me. When I think of you, there's no name associated with your face, but I do know that you have big brown eyes and shaggy, dark brown hair.
I also know that you're a sophomore in Pitt's business school and belong to AEπ. You hail from the state of Virginia, but also have some family who live north of Dallas; our little bonding moment over Dallas was fun. We're both flying to Dallas for Thanksgiving on the same day, and you said, "Maybe we're on the same flight!" You recommended that I book the supershuttle instead of taking the 28x; I thanked you for that advice.
You waited almost half an hour for your flu shot.
You are a swell enough person to carry on a conversation with a complete stranger.
Maybe I'll see you around campus. Maybe I'll see you at the airport in November. Maybe I'll never see you again. No matter whether or not I see you again, I'm glad we crossed paths.
Thank you, boy who sat next to me. You made my day just that much brighter.
There we go, happy content!